Shop Chelsea Chamberlain

2021 Calendar

2021 Calendar

Get Chelsea’s 2021 Calendar. 12 months of uncensored Chelsea adorning your wall.



2021 Calendar

Chelsea Chamberlain 2021 Calendar

2021 Calendar

Purchase a personalized Chelsea 2021 calendar. Your options are:
 John Hancock: Personally signed calendar.

Pix Special: All of the above, plus 1 signed Polaroid.

Pix Double Special: All of the above, includes 2 signed polaroids.

Mega Deal: All of the above, plus a special note on your birthday month.

Chelsea Extravaganza: All of the above, plus a lipstick kiss on your birthday month, and a pair of Chelsea knickers!


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2020 Calendar

Chelsea’s topless debut! See the beautiful Chelsea on your wall for a full 365 days! 12 uncensored photos filling your year.



Personalized Signed 2020 Calendar

There’s still time to get your very own personalized signed calendar from Chelsea! Simply DM her on Twitter or Instagram for the different options available.

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Signed photos

Personalized signed photos could be yours!

Contact Chelsea on Twitter or Instagram for availability and prices




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